A message from my friend, Sam Eisenstein Watson, founder of The SAMfund that helps young adults with cancer, especially with college scholarships...
The SAMFund has an incredible opportunity to receive an award of up to $50,000 - but we need your help! Please see below for details. If you are on Facebook, please note that there are two SAMFund causes – the one that “counts” for this challenge is called, appropriately, The SAMFund: FACEBOOK GIVING CHALLENGE. The PARADE challenge is amazing as well – we would love someone (or multiple people) to champion The SAMFund! Whichever route you take, we are extremely grateful for your help. Any money awarded to us will go directly to grants and scholarships for young adult survivors of cancer in 2008.
We wish you and your families and friends a happy and healthy new year!
Sam, Sarah and Michelle
We wish you and your families and friends a happy and healthy new year!
Sam, Sarah and Michelle
More information can be found here: http://giving.casefoundation.org/givingchallenge/home?source=partnerSAMFUND or you can email The SAMFund at: sam@thesamfund.org
Today, I am grateful for: life, shopping, a warm home, family and friends....
Thank you so much for helping The SAMFund! Anyone on Facebook can join our cause: The SAMFund's Facebook Giving Challenge and all donations of just $10 (or more) bring us one step closer to the grand prize of $50K!
Thanks Sam!
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