Very cool news...one of my favorite oncology nurse's family, The Martirezs, was chosen for an Extreme Home Makeover.
They have young twin boys that each have severe disabilities and their house was not properly equipped for them. Dawn, my former nurse, quit working to take care of the boys and their older sister.
The project also includes a new coffee shop for Sam, who is also amazing, who I mentioned on the blog about a year ago.
Read more about it all here: www.extremehomemakeoverstlouis.com/family.php
Congrats Dawn, Emmanuel, Elle, Evan and Alec and for Sam too!!
On another note, please keep my friend Jason in your prayers-he is going through a rough time. His blog can be found here: www.teamjason.org/blog/
Today, I am grateful for: health, love, friends, family and God.
I didn't realize that they were doing a new coffee shop for Sam also. That is great.
Mom L.
Wow congratulations to your nurse, that is so awesome! I love seeing good things happen for people who struggle but yet still keep a positive attitude and do whats right!
That is one of my favorite shows. There are too many crappy reality tv game shows that reward people for being idiots! Extreme Home Makeover actually helps those who contribute to their community and take care of their families, even when life becomes almost impossibly difficult!
Let me know what night it will be on and I will make sure to watch and will post it on my blog as well.
going to check out your friends blog right now :)
I soooo want to go see the Extreme Makeover crew (especially that cutie patootie Ed!)! They're practically in my "back yard" at work ya know. :) Alas, I have to work. Boo. But, can't think of anyone more deserving than Dawn and Emmauel!
Look forward to seeing you later on! Love you!
I checked out the house yesterday and it was sooo cool to see how hundreds of volunteers were working together simultaneously, on a rather small area - can't wait to see the show come out in November!
So I found this story about the new coffee shop - what a blessing!
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