
Good Doctor's Appt.

It's so great to only go to the oncologist every 3 months or so...it used to be 3-4x a week-or daily-at some points in the journey. And the questions I have now are not so serious...usually.

I found out we won't do another MRI right now unless/until I have symptoms, which is good for various reasons. My pain is stable and pretty much the same it has been for the past few years...

I may have to get a measles vaccine because my transplant probably knocked my original one out of my system and there is apparently an outbreak in the US. I'll find out more on that soon-when the blood results come back.

My CBC, CRP and thyroid tests were good and normal (Yay for that!).

Today, I am grateful for a great break so far, seeing a movie with my mom, dinner with my parents, lunch with a great friend, bumping into old friends, my wonderful hubby, friends, family and God.



Anonymous said...

Rachel, I am so glad to hear this! Yea God indeed!

It is very quiet on campus right now...but we staff get good parking spots during fall break. :) Keep enjoying your break; you deserve some down time! And please stop by to say hello!

Oh...the exercise question. Probably asking the wrong person, since I am very up and very down with exercise. For instance, I have run 2 marathons. Then I'll go through droughts of no exercise and eating a whole lot. Makes no sense whatsoever! But I'm on the upswing right now. I go to a class at Club Fitness called Drills to Make You Sweat. And it makes me want to never go back. But I do, of course, because it's a kick-butt workout!!

Anonymous said...

That is such good news Rachel. I know it puts your mind at ease.

Mom L.

Rachel's sister said...

Hooray for the good report! :) That is the best news I've heard all week. Love you bunches!

Lindsay said...

That's great Rachael! <3