
Honorary Team Ambassador

Last week I was asked to be one of 2 honorary team ambassadors for the Wellness Community's annual walk. I accepted the position and am looking forward to it! I will be gathering a team, amongst other responsibilities. Less sleep-here we come, but it felt really right for a place that has done so much for me!

For those of you who do not know:

The Wellness Community is part of a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing free emotional support, education, and hope for people with cancer and their loved ones. Through participation in professionally led support groups, educational workshops, and mind/body programs utilizing the Patient Active Concept, people affected by cancer learn vital skills to regain control, reduce feelings of isolation, and restore hope − regardless of the stage of the disease.

I was a member of a support group for awhile and still regularly see and keep in touch with some of my fellow members. I also have attended many wonderful workshops and things of that sort. They are a wonderful organization and I am honored to take on this role this year.

The walk is in May and I will be sending out an email soon.

Today, I am grateful for: opportunities to give back, support from family and friends, and God.



lahdeedah said...

They chose well :) Love, Jill

Henrike said...

It's so great when you're able to give back to the cancer community, isn't it? I always feel amazingly grateful that I'm able to volunteer for the LAF and tell other people about my experiences.

However, it's tough getting people to donate even $5. Being connected to cycling seems to be a valid reason for people to trash talk and send rude comments to me. Oh well, cancer has made me a stronger person and I definitely put on a thicker skin, so people like that won't bother me too much.

Good luck on your walk and building your team!

Anonymous said...

Congrats....2 Tuesday night people in 2 years:)

Obsessedwithlife said...

Thanks Jill and Henrike!

Yeah, Holly, isn't that cool? I was asking Jason for tips!