

Thanks for the questions and prayers about the MRI.

The neurologist called and said the scans looked good-there are no tumors or significant changes. He said the top of my right lung has some scarring and shrinkage of the normal tissue but he was sure it was from radiation. He thinks radiation is causing my symptoms (numbness, pain, etc). If so, there's no real treatment and it can go away on its own-but could take years. The good thing is it is not serious. I will go to his office for a follow-up in 1 month.

Also, my brother has a small mass of some sort in his lower abdomen/groin area and will have surgery to remove it and biopsy it tomorrow morning-we are hoping it's nothing serious but they won't know until they take it out.

Thanks for the prayers.

Today, I am grateful for no tumors, friends, family, wonderful holidays, God, prayers.



Anonymous said...

Rachel, I'm so glad the MRI came out clean, though I will pray that your symptoms go away, especially the pain. I'll also be praying for your brother; please keep us posted! Hope you had a merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rachel, praise God! I am so happy for you--to be honest, I was very concerned. Now it's time to start praying for your brother. I'll bet that statistically it would be unlikely to happen to two young people in the same family, right?
Love you,
Kelly McCord

Anonymous said...

So thankful and grateful that the MRI was nothing overly serious. Praying that the numbness does not take so long to subside. Saying prayers for your brother...most definitely. I am sure you are all concerned. Hope you are having a relaxing break and holiday so far.

Debbie Nagy

Nanny said...


I am so happy to hear that the MRI came back clear! I will admit, I came back to your blog because my dear friend Lori (LKmade) her daughter has relapsed and will be starting treatment again this week. I was hoping that you could pop on over to her site and leave some words of incouragement: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ingridkoran

Please keep us informed about your brother as well as yourself. Hearing that you have not relapsed again is one positive this holiday season. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the news! I will be praying for your brother.

Anonymous said...

Rachel- I'm so happy the MRI turned out to be nothing. I've been wondering. I'll keep your brother in my prayers....keep us updated. On a lighter note.....how was your first Christmas as a married couple?!?!

Lori B said...

Hi Rachel, thank you for your prayers for Ingrid and your pep talk! Thankful for your clean MRI! Hoping for good news for your brother.

Anonymous said...

So thankful to hear this! Was thinking about you and had to check your blog for an update. :)