
Getting Back in the Groove

It's been a slow journey back into a regular workout schedule...I was roughly doing 2 days a week with a friend at school but since spring classes are over, that's not practical.

As I already knew, working out makes me feel better after I get the motivation to get up and do it. It also helps my pain levels. This week is rough because I am working at a kids' camp for most of the day (as a separate part of my internship) and am so exhausted when I get home. Hopefully I can make it one or 2 days!

So, I joined the gym that I used to belong to (a different location though)...and figured out what works best for me: group classes (pilates, cardio, etc.); a free yoga class at another place for cancer survivors (the room is awesome-it feels like you are in the middle of the forest with birds chirping and there is a big garage door that is opened, if the weather allows, that has a screen on it); sometimes walking outside-preferably with someone or music; machine workouts while watching TV and/or listening to music (the gym I just joined has personal TVs w/ cable on every machine!).

What works for you?

Today, I am grateful for a wonderful week at camp, friends, family, God and sleep :).



Bethany said...

Hot yoga!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for post, I am so bad at getting exercise too. I'm going to try yoga, and I've bought a meditation DVD too. Going for walks also helps to relax me and helps me to hit the reset button. I just wish a had a cute little dog to take with me on those walks!