
Recent Story on Local TV

A local station did a nice update piece on my story this week:


Thankful for so much: Graduation, turning 30 and reaching 9 years of no sign of cancer are all coming up in the next few months amongst other things.



Carly Scaduto said...

very nice story! I actually never heard how you and Gabe met until reading this.

Thuy said...

Great story, Rachel! You ARE a miracle. (Does it mean much if I say it, even if I'm not the Pope? :) ) I agree that it was nice to see Gabe, too, and hear how you guys met.

I hope you are well. Congrats on nearing the end of your Art Therapy degree!

Obsessedwithlife said...

Thanks so much Carly and Thuy!!

Brewed Together said...

That is AMAZING! Congratulations and keep fighting girl! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at brewedtogether.com

Obsessedwithlife said...

Thanks :)