
Moments of Life

Yesterday marked 6 years since I got that call. The call that something very serious had happened to someone's sister who is very dear to me. Her mother had found out on the news, my friend had been pulled out of something at school to be told-her only sibling, her sister, had died on impact in a small plane crash. I immediately moved into her house for the next few days. (RIP AMY!!!)

It was something that, obviously, was life-changing. It ended up making us closer over the years-we both had felt some very raw things in our somewhat young lives and would never be the same. She stayed intown for college while most of my friends went away and I stayed home because I was forced to medically in order to recover from my stem cell transplant. She included me in all of her events and really made it bearable-I got a wonderful taste of what college was like. We've been through so many ups and downs together and I could not imagine it any different.

To think of all that has happened and brought us to this point is truly amazing-she is one of my bridesmaids and is now engaged herself.

We had another phone call last night. She asked me a very important question on her sister's anniversary of passing away-Will you be my Maid of Honor? Of course I said Yes and once again was weeping-but this time with much joy and honor.

Today, I am grateful for: registering for fall classes, friends, family, God and God's plan for each of us, even when it doesn't go how we think it might.


1 comment:

borcherding said...

Hi there. Reading your post today totally brought tears to my eyes...Have a wonderful day. Peace and blessings, Cindy